For the month of May, I have been challenged by #HereIsMyHomeschool @intentionalhomeschooling to share on Instagram each weekday. I've made my Instagram public for this month only to share these posts with fellow homeschoolers that are following the hashtag. Hop on over to @padgettlaurie to peek into our lives a little deeper. Today covers bad days, so I thought I'd share here as well since bad days befall us all.
In this chaos of life, bad days are woefully inevitable. Eventually storms come along. Some pass so briefly without notice as they make only small waves or ripples. Others throw you overboard into a sea of hopelessness, fear, & anxiety. I know I have experienced this. Behind my posts full of smiles & fun adventures, lie real life heartache.
With love comes great risk. The pouring out of your soul in love, even natural love, does not guarantee smooth sailing. As you nearly drown in a sea of broken trust & abandoned love, you realize that hate isn't even possible. Walking hand in hand with someone through trauma is life altering. You cling to one another & reach together for a life line. The storm is consuming...
Eventually, the storm fades into the background as the sun shines again. You somehow have become a survivor. Hope floods around you. You reach out in praise & pick up the broken pieces. You are amazed as you look to see His hand of protection & provision.
The storm has gifted you great wisdom. The breaking begins to sprout new growth. Great love flows again in a much more freeing capacity. Compassion multiplies for the unloved & "different" around you. Your eyes are open to their hurt. You are now equipped to reach out. Someone becomes inspired by your story of betrayal & survival. They see you thrive much greater than ever before.
Love ALWAYS wins. Give love again & again & again. It waters the soul to rise. The storm cannot consume love's ever present light of God. Your love light always shines brighter in the midst of darkness.
"When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee:
and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee..." Isaiah 43:2