Love is not bound by language, culture, religion, or anything else! In the times we are living in, I am super thankful to watch these boys grow up as best friends since birth! I love watching them run, play, laugh, & hug all day long & never let differences hold them back. Love is their common language. Love doesn't require anything of us except opening our hearts & minds. These boys could definitely teach life lessons to many! We couldn't imagine our lives as anything but broken without their family living near. We've prayed together in different languages & probably in totally different ways. We've shared thousands of meals (at least 5 days a week for 5 months out of every year) & even tears. We've suffered with them through 2 tragedies of loosing children. They've given us their baby gifts & rocked our Clay that was born just a few weeks after burying their own. We've embraced & celebrated with them the 3 living they have. We respect their desire to work any days except Saturdays because that's what they believe in. We've learned more from them than I can tell you. They are much more than our friends; they are our family. I can promise you that if we need them for anything, they are here & ready to help in any way to lighten our load for they showed up tirelessly when our Raegan was having seizures & hospitalized. They didn't just call or text, they showed up! I'm certain that Jesus came to tear down walls, not build them. America was founded for those seeking freedom & a better life. That's what they came here looking for as well. No, they are not sponging off of the food stamp or medical care situation (not that that's anyone's business or that they are not deserving of them). They work harder than most everyone any of us know. They pay taxes & contribute to our economy. They provide for & love their children just as any of us love our own. Their oldest daughter has worked extremely hard to earn a scholarship for college. I've seen the parents run ahead of us to scoop up one of ours that was crying & hurting to comfort them. I think oftentimes people forget that they are humans with real intelligence, love to give, & contribute to make our world a much better place. I know we are blessed just for knowing them. If you never have, I encourage you to reach out, laying down all of your fears of differences & the unknown. I cannot begin to tell you how abundantly blessed your own life will be! It's our job to speak up for those who cannot voice their own concerns. We are privileged with the opportunity to see & know, to be part of their strength, to make a difference in real lives. Choose love!
Just love this, Laurie!