Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Our Back Yard Garden

     We love to garden!!!  We plant a garden of vegetables every spring.  We also can & freeze them to enjoy all year long.  This year my Daddy came to help us plant it.  You can see our farm fields of wheat in the back ground.  It is such a beautiful sight right in our back yard.
Tomatoes (above) & Squash (below)
     This year we planted several rows of sweet corn & different kinds of peas.  We also planted a row of okra & about 80 Better Boy Tomato plants, 30 squash plants, 12 cucumber plants, 12 bell pepper plants, 6 cherry tomato plants, & 3 eggplants.  This will be plenty to eat, put up, & share!    This year we didn't plant early enough to grow green beans or potatoes.  Thanks to Nathan's family, maybe we will be able to enjoy those also.  Everything has grown so much since these pictures were taken just 10 days ago!  Today at lunch we ate our 1st pick from our garden-cucumbers!  We also ate fresh new potatoes shared from Nathan's parent's garden.  They were delicious!  :)  We are looking forward to the harvest ahead!  Yum!


  1. Oh I just love these pics! How cool. Our garden never makes much. We have squash, okra, bell pepper planted. A few tomatoes. I would love to see your egg plant. My mom loved egg plant.

    Miss seeing you. Will you guys do Honor's Night?

    Much love,
