Sunday, January 8, 2012

2012 Serve

serve - vb  to work as a servant, to render obedience and worship to God, to comply with the commands or demands of, to work through or perform a term of service, to be of use, to benefit, to treat or act toward in a specified way

   For first time in my life, I've adopted a word for this year.  Actually, my word found me.  It found it's way into my thoughts, my heart, my prayers.  Then one day right as the first of the year was approaching, I read an article about having a word for the year.  I knew exactly what mine was...just didn't realize others made this a yearly practice.  Then while reading one of my friend's blogs, she too was blogging about her word for the year.  It's quite amazing how real God works and how things happen to His accord.
     Although I could define the word as long I can remember, to serve has taken on a whole new meaning for me in the last few weeks.  I've pondered over the scriptures and examined the reality of my life only to realize that serving is a choice and requires an action. God calls His people to action.  He desires for us to serve His kingdom by choosing to serve the needs of others.  That is my goal.  I'd like to be a servant used by Him, for Him, and to glorify Him.  I'd like to be led of Him to do His service and not haphazardly taking things into my own hands.  I'd like to feel His nudging, His presence, and to know He's there even out of my comfort zone.  I'd like it to touch lives without it being me and it being about Him.  I want others to know who Jesus is.
     I have no idea where this new sense of the word serve will take me.  As a wife and mama to 4, I'd like to believe that serving comes naturally.  So selfishly the flesh  would like take over and to pin roses for already surviving the daily grind of tasks and when duty calls to be a nurse, a teacher, a cook, a maid, a counselor, a help meet, whatever the situation, that I'm ready and willing.  But see, I'm somewhat experienced with that and always have a plan in place for those things.  Not knowing and not having a plan is so against Laurie.  Surrendering isn't exactly a quality I've ever tried to strive towards.  I thrive on order, organization, and having a predictable schedule.  My faith reminds me, however, that I don't have to know.  I don't have to have an answer.  I don't have to figure this out.  I don't have to be an expert to attend to my Father's business.  I just have to be willing to live present in the moment, listen closely for His voice, and take action to serve in 2012.

Desiring to be found in His service,

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